This is true if we give the body nutrients and food that the body is familiar with. Collectively, the concerted works of:
Fungal Infections
Choices of Intravenous Therapy
Types of Cancers
There are more than one hundred different types of cancers stemming from the above list, almost every organ has its own malignancy.
Symptoms of Cancer
Depending on the location of the malignancy, there are general symptoms associated with all malignancies such as weakness and lethargy. Further, there are local symptoms associated with organ or tissue affected by the malignancy such as reduced functionality of the organ involved.
Known Causes of Cancer
Invariably during my lectures or during interviews on TV and satellite stations, people ask me “What food, drinks and daily habits may cause cancer in a people..?” I found this question very unrealistic and unfair to me and/or to the person posing the question. This is because the question is putting me in a critical position that needs to forecast:
-what food had the person ate in the past..?
-what drinks had the person drank in the past..?
-what medication had the person taken in the past..?
-what daily habits has the person had and still has now..?
-what occupation did the person have in the past that may relate..?
All of the above play some role and may stimulate the body to develop or cause cancer. In our society, there are vast amounts of chemicals that we, with no exceptions, are exposed to. These chemicals come from many sources such as:
Upon entering the body, these chemicals may weaken the immune system, the liver or other organs in the body and may cause many diseases. Also, the biochemical interaction between these chemicals in the body may cause many diseases, one of which is cancer. The biochemical interaction between any of these two chemicals is lesser in severity than the interaction of three. On the other hand the biochemical interaction between three chemicals is lesser in severity than four interactions and so on. The higher the number of interacting chemicals the more the likelihood of developing any disease. These various chemicals are considered in a specific society as standard toxins. These toxins change from one society to another based on the level of advancement of the society, air pollution, water contamination, people’s habits, geographical area, type of diet (fresh, frozen or canned), sedentary life etc. The air pollution and water contamination, to say the least, in Canada are much different from air pollution and water contamination in Egypt which is also much different in turn from air pollution and water contamination in Japan. People living in one society share the same standard toxin factors. In a smoker’s case, they would have the standard toxin factor plus chemicals that come from smoking. A smoker who works as a coal miner and constantly warms his food with a microwave would have the standard toxin factors plus three chemical sources (chemicals released from cigarettes plus chemical from coal dust deposited in the lungs and free radical from the microwave). The higher the toxin factors the more likely the person would develop a disease. Further, the higher number of these toxins, the faster the person would approach cancer boundaries. No one can predict what toxins are inside, the way they affect the body and what is cooking in the body on a daily basis.
Therefore, to avoid being in the dark with respect to your body and health, you must consult with a knowledgeable health practitioner to guide you, keeping in mind your specific body’s requirements. Those who rely on health books and the internet may find themselves in difficult situations in the future because books and the internet are intended to give you a general message not a specific treatment. Therefore, in general stay as close as possible to the following:
The above applies to all people in a certain society. A question springs up in some people’s mind “why do some infants develop malignancies..?” I have no answer as to why some infant’s destiny would meet malignancies. This is God’s work and God’s department. I will not question his decisions on who gets what share of diseases..! Nor will I ever give up on his mercy in curing these people the way he sees best. He cures before the doctor does and guides people for healing. But, I know that this cannot be an excuse for diet abuse.
My Views on Cause and Treatment
Diet is first foremost factor in the treatment of cancerous condition. This comes in two steps:
I suggest that early screening of cancer markers starting as follows:
Treatment is divided into two parts: an oral treatment and an advanced intravenous treatment. The oral treatment is given three times a day while the intravenous treatment could be designed once a week, twice a week or three times a week depending on the following factors:
Bicarbonate Cancer Treatment Protocol
Base line blood work for future contrast:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday – Bicarbonate Oral treatment |
Sunday Break |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday – Vit. C IV treatment |
Sunday Break |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday – Bicarbonate Oral treatment |
Sunday Break |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday – Vit. C IV treatment |
Sunday Break |
Follow up blood work to contrast with initial base line blood work