Candida Treatments

Fungal infection (Candida) is caused by an abnormal overgrowth of fungus in one or more organs inside or outside the body leading to fungal sickness.

Candida Treatments

This is true if we give the body nutrients and food that the body is familiar with. Collectively, the concerted works of:

Fungal infections

Fungal infection (Candida) is caused by an abnormal overgrowth of fungus in one or more organs inside or outside the body leading to fungal sickness. The condition may affect both males and females of all ages. Fungal infections have many faces and many shapes. The mere sound of the word ‘fungus’, alone should evoke a sense of fear for human health. There are over one hundred and fifty strains of fungus located in our mouths, throats, digestive tract, skin, rectum, and the vagina. However, at low concentrations, fungus is a great friend to our digestive tract and lives in harmony alongside other friendly bacteria. Together, the two types of bacteria and fungus, each totaling to one third of the total concentration of the flora of the large intestine, the oral cavity, and the vaginal walls. This flora forms the first line of defense that aids your immunity and protects you against overgrowth of fungal species that may lead to infections if allowed to over grow. However, at high concentrations, fungus can turn its back on you and cause much more harm. If the number of friendly bacteria decreases in relation to the number of fungus, then fungal proliferation begins. For example, Candida albicans, which protect our digestive tract from harmful pathogens, transforms itself into fungal form and starts to invade the organs of the body. It may cause numerous health problems such as disrupting the absorption process, fatigue, congesting the lungs, inflaming the vaginal walls, skin irritation (such as the case in rosaceae, acne and eczema) and weakening the immune system. It may proceed further and interfere with the nervous and endocrine systems. Approximately 79% of the known toxins in the body have been isolated from fungus related overgrowth. One of the major wastes produced is acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde causes excessive fatigue, decreased strength and reduced stamina. This toxin is then transformed by the liver into ethanol (alcohol) which would deplete the body of magnesium (muscle aches) and potassium (tachycardia). It will further cause over production of free radicals, as a result of a reduction of cell energy enhanced by the destruction of cellular enzymes. Fungus also harps on ingesting serum glucose (blood) in addition, to their needs for oxygen for its survival. Depletion of oxygen and glucose from the serum causes symptoms of weakness, disorientation, dizziness, mental confusion, anxiety, depression, and headaches.

Causes of Fungal Overgrowth

There are two main causes of developing excessive fungus in the body. The first cause is excessive consumption of oral antibiotics while the second cause is missing breast feeding at birth.

Symptoms of Fungal Infection (Dysbiosis, Candidiasis, fungus)

The following are the most important symptoms of fungal infection. Fungus symptoms are, oral thrush, dry elbows, dry knees, dry feet, athlete foot, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, ear infections, tonsillitis, hives, rosaceae, vaginitis, candida, vaginal discharge, fatigue, tiredness, fibromyalgic pain, memory loss, forgetfulness, confusion and all kinds of allergies including histamine release that incrementally increases over time.

The Treatment for Fungal Infections

The following are the most important symptoms of fungal infection.

Toe Nail Fungus

Symptoms include; oral thrush and dry elbows. It must be mentioned here that fungal infections do not respond to antibiotic treatment. In fact, antibiotic medications will enhance the growth of more fungal organisms in the body. The treatment should consists of three folds:

  1. good anti fungal diet to help starve and weaken the fungal group being treated
  2. weekly colonic irrigation to help remove the bulk of fungus and balance the colon
  3. an antifungal hypoallergenic treatment (Candi Halt) and a hypoallergenic (acidophilus capsule)
  4. some chronic fungal infections require an additional intravenous anti-fungal treatments which will expedite the recovery and produce much enhanced recovery

A good diet must accompany, that does not contain yeast or yeast products such as beer, wine, sugar, bread with yeast, and mushroom.

During my examination, I pay specific attention to fungal symptoms. Those who are suffering from or were told that they are suffering from a fungal over growth are expected to follow a strict diet if they sincerely wish to eliminate fungus from the body. Fungus is the mother of all sicknesses. In the past 20 years, I have seen numerous health concerns, sicknesses and diseases that are directly and sometimes indirectly connected to fungus. Today, I have no doubt in my mind that fungus is the backbone of every sickness that a human being may be suffering from. However, it is a matter of degree of involvement and percentage of presence. Some sicknesses contain high percentages of fungus such as vaginitis and fungal colitis. On the other hand there are some sicknesses that have low percentages of fungus in they’re background such as tonsillitis and ear infections.

The percentage of fungus depends on several factors:

  1. amount of antibiotics used for treatments, especially shortly after birth
  2. timing of food (solids) introduction after birth
  3. introduction of diet saturated with fungus such as mushroom, vinegar and beer
  4. the amount of simple sugar and carbohydrate consumption and daily cravings

Now, you must beware that fungus comes packaged under different names such as:

anal itch bloating candida (candidiasis)
colitis constipation diarrhea
dry skin IBS oral thrush
gas rosacea tinea capitis (scalp ringworm)
proctitis tinea cruris (jock itch) tinea pedis (athlete’s foot)
tinea corporis (ringworm) urethritis urinary tract infection
tinea unguium (nail fungus) volvitis yeast infection

Today, I can comfortably say that fungus is also present in a certain amount in every sickness regardless of the cause. Therefore, in order to treat any sickness, we must search for the fungal involvement of the sickness and treat it. The total treatment may last up to one year, depending and the amount of antibiotics used in your life.

The treatment of fungus must include the following steps, at least for two out of the total twelve months:

  • a- eliminate simple carbohydrates such as sugar (white or brown)
  • b- eliminate all foods that contain starter yeast (fungus) ie. white bread, cakes
  • c- eliminate all sugar products, cakes, candies, chocolates, popsicles, honey
  • d- eliminate all fungus containing food or condiments such as beer, wine, vinegar, apple cider
  • e- eliminate dairy products milk, cheese, yogurt, cream cheese, sour cream, ice cream
  • f- eliminate all fruits especially citrus fruits and grapes
  • g- eliminate all fruit juices regardless whether organic or not organic
  • h- eliminate mushroom and potatoes
  • i- take colon irrigation treatments

I am aware that the above procedure will cause a shift in our daily routine because we tend not to pay much attention to these factors. There is nothing on this earth that would be more important than following the above procedure to help clear fungus from the body. I know that in order to follow the above procedure, we may have to abandon many personal activities from our daily routine. Unfortunately, I don’t have a  magical wand that will help clear fungus from the body. The above procedure is mandatory for the following two months regardless of any inconveniences that it may cause you. Your health comes first, the whole world comes second. Devoting yourself to your health, is priority.

Histamine Releasing/Forming Food

A final note must not be forgotten that outlines the real causes behind geographical hives and skin responses to some allergens. The increase of colon count of fungus in the body is also associated with high release of toxins in the body. It is just like simple math, the more the fungus then the more toxins accumulated. Due to their structural size in the blood stream, toxins have nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. During the initial phase of the infection, the toxins’ size prevent them from being excreted by the kidney with urine and they cannot be exhaled with vapour through the lungs or be released through our sweat pores. Once the colonies of fungus increase, toxins’ concentration would increase in serum which would weaken the organs and cells of the body. Some organs would be more affected than others depending on fungus and toxins concentration in the organ. A release of toxins may occur through the pores, lungs or the kidney is possible however associated with a lot of symptoms and aggravations. This release of toxins through some organs take place in the late stages of inflammation and could be mistaken for a primary disease in the organ involved. This inflammation should be viewed as a secondary inflation in the organ not primary and the treatment should be still directed to the primary cause.

Foods to Avoid

Those patients suffering from hives and allergies are advised to refrain from eating the following histamine associated foods. Any consumption of the following food would mean restarting the allergy episode. Patients suffering from allergies should be most careful and most cautious. Allergy vocabularies do not contain such phrases “I forgot”, “I did not think it will affect me”

  Dairy  Grains Fruits  Vegetables  Sea Food Nuts   Others
 Causes Itch  Cheese, Egg, Milk  Wheat  Berries  Tomatoes  Fish, Shellfish  Nuts  Chocolate
 Uncooked food release Histamine  Egg whites    Pineapple,Strawberries  Tomatoes  Fish, Shellfish, Anchovies    Alcohol, Chocolate
 High in Histamine
  • All aged protein
  • Fermented foods, Fermented products
  • Uncooked fermented cheese (Brie, Cheddar, Camembert, Gruyere, Parmesan, Roquefort),
  • Beef sausage, Pork sausage, Ham, Canned fish, Chicken, Fin fish, Shellfish, Milk (e.g., cow, goat),
  • Chocolate, Red wine, Beer, Brewer’s yeast, Sauerkraut, Soy, Spinach, Tomato, All fermented Vegetables (pickles)

Patients must realize that the length of your recovery is hinged on the length of cortisone treatment. The longer the period of cortisone treatment the longer it takes to clean your body