Dr. Fateh Srajeldin B.Sc., N.D.
During my clinical years, I have been presented with the most difficult and tiring clinical cases. Every case has been unique and specific. Most cases were identical in their appearance and the symptoms giving false notion of similar cause. No two cases were identical in the core even though they may appear identical on the surface. At no time, I was able to assume that one case is remotely identical to any other case I have seen in the past. Consequently, an inaccurate diagnosis would result in an inaccurate treatment.
The secret behind successfully treating these cases is really no secret at all other than…
My first examination takes approximately 1-2 hours depending on
- number of symptoms treated
- severity of symptoms and
- patient’s choice of examination ie including diet, minor diet etc,
which consists of the following:
- medical history taking
- physical examination
- urine dipstick test
- prescribing necessary remedies
- minor diet setting eliminating suspected allergic food
In order to fully understand the case being treated, a complete medical history from birth until the date of examination must be investigated. The medical history should uncover and discuss (if possible) every sickness, every medication, every injury and health problem. This information automatically opens the case and gives me the ‘upper hand’ in seeing beyond the limitation of the boundaries of the examination room. Several points are very critical during medical history taking:
- breast feeding history (digestive tracks and immunity integrity)
- solid food introduction during first year of life (digestive tracks, immunity and lymph integrity)
- frequency and the reason behind antibiotic treatments (specific)
- frequency and the reason behind any drugs treatments
- history of ailments
- history of hospitalization
The first examination is extremely critical and essential to determine the cause of your ailment. During the first naturopathic examination, you would have the following:
- attending to the chief complaint
- complete physical examination from head to toe (exclude an internal)
- taking blood pressure, pulse, weight
- examination of the oral cavity for mercury dental fillings (liver and systemic toxicity), oral thrush (yeast infection), tonsils integrity (immunity), throat condition (inflammation) and gum diseases (improper personal dental hygiene and care)
- examination of the ears for excessive cerumen (ear wax, poor fat metabolism), allergic redness (allergic response), tympanic membrane (drum) bulging (serous fluid), calcification
- examination of the sinuses using a fiber strobe which illuminates the sinus cavity when projected into the cavity. This would confirm or eliminate sinusitis.
- examination of the spinal cord, starting at the cervical region at the atlas (hypo-lardosis, headaches), vertebra laterality (neck pain, headache)
- thyroid gland examination whether normal, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism gland
- examination of your tonsils (external) for first line defense integrity,
- examination of TMJ physical movements (joint misalignment)
- examination of upper and lower extremities reflexes (sciatica, muscles pain, joint’s integrity),
- examination of the integrity and range of motion of all upper and lower joints
- Urine dipstick test, an indicator of weaknesses for kidney issues (water intake, and coffee consumption), UTI, white blood cells, red blood cells, stomach hyper acidity and toxicity
- while the patient is lying I auscultate percuss and palpate the abdomen specifically over the ascending colon, descending colon and transverse colon. Further palpate the liver, gall bladder, urinary bladder and the uterus in females. Lastly, I would palpate the groins, the axilla for lymphatic congestion (infections and lymphatic inflammation) and the tonsils and their area removed or not.
- while the patient is lying I would auscultate the heart valves (murmurs, regurgitation) and both lungs (bruits, cough, congestion, crackles, rales)
- Once done the examination
- discussion of the real causes of the ailment, its symptoms, the relationship between diet, health and disease
- revise a complete diet depending on the patient’s chief complaint, blood type and my physical examination
I recommend hypoallergenic remedies ONLY which I consider the only gate to proper health. The remedies must be of hypo-allergenic quality and bioavailability ready. Remedies mark the difference between short efficient treatment and prolonged endless treatment.
Patient’s compliance would crown the entire health assessment. Compliance is much more important than any medical history, any examination or laboratory blood work.
- SG, specific gravity, which reflects the amount of solutes in a urine sample
- pH, indicates the body’s attempt to correct for high acid in the system
- leukocytes, indicates urinary tracks inflammation
- nitrites, which may indicate bacterial infection
- protein in urine indicates kidney involvement
- urobilinogen, which may indicate:
- liver’s involvement
- hemolytic anemia
- glucose in urine indicates increased glucose in the blood
- bilirubin, which may indicate the liver’s involvement
- blood, which may indicate the presence of:
- kidney stones,
- infection
- renal involvement
- menses in females
- ketones in the urine sample may indicate:
- increased alcohol consumption
- acute febrile illness in children
- starvation
- weight loss